There's plenty of software to muck around with data, but to gain the skills to really get something out of it, that takes time and experience. Mikio Braun, a post doc in machine learning, explains . For a number of reasons, I don’t think that you cannot "toolify" data analysis that easily

When I meet with people and talk about our work, I get asked a lot what technology we use to create interactive and dynamic data visualizations. At Interactive Things, we have a set of preferred libraries, applications and services that we use regularly in our work. We will select the most fitting tool for the job depending on the requirements of the project

All industries have a critical need for visual analytics. The insights that can come immediately from a well-designed business dashboard or data visualization in the finance industry could provide the

We’ve compiled a small list of conferences definitely worth visiting in 2013. Events like this are a great way to see, learn, connect and be inspired. If you’re lucky enough to get a ticket, be sure to let us know so we could meet up and have a chat.