Brand Guidelines for Data: Data Visualization Format of the Year (First Place)

Brand Guidelines for Data: The Data Visualization Format of the Year (First Place) Formatting All Data Visualization with Best Practice Principles In 2023, the visual branding of data has only

Five Common Mistakes in Data Viz

Five Common Mistakes People Make in Data Visualization The best way to learn is to make mistakes. That still rings true in terms of designing data visualization. Even the most

Should You Use A Pie Chart?

Our Opinion On Pie Charts  …or the Case For and Against the Pie Chart. If there’s a list of controversial charts types in this world, then assume the pie chart

Dashboard Tips: 3 Alternatives To Using A Data Table

3 Alternatives To Using A Data Table Stop using tables. Seriously, there are better ways to show data. Here are three: When we run our data visualization workshops we run an

What Makes for Great Data Visualization?

What Makes for Great Data Visualization and Why? Data visualization can be a powerful way to communicate.  When done right, it delivers information with both the weight of respected research,

What to Look for in a Data Visualisation Agency?

What to Look for in a Data Visualisation Agency? Data visualization is a powerful way to communicate new and complex information. When done right, it can deliver your message with

What is Good Data Visualisation?

What is Good Data Visualisation? An Infographic We think Nathan Yau of gets to the heart of why we visualize data – data visualization helps us make and share
