The Data Analytics Conferences Guide 2024/2025 is your one-stop shop for conferences you actually want to go to. These are great conferences in cool cities.
The Datalabs Agency
A data agency specializing in data visualization workshops, style guides, & strategic design services.
Australia, Europe, & the U.S.A.
The Datalabs Agency designs data visualization style guides, dashboards and reports for business intelligence software.
A Data Agency for Business Intelligence Design
Gain the skills to design reports, presentations, and infographics using data.
A Data Agency for Visual Communications
As a strategic data visualization agency, we want two things: better design skills in the corporate world and the government sector, and for our clients to learn the necessary skills from us and be able to do visualize their own data forevermore. Building strategic capabilities in data visualization is teaching a team or a company to fish. To design better presentations, visual reports, and infographics themselves. To get it right, understandable, and ‘easy on the eye’ the first time. We don’t want to sit our clients’ laps too long, to overstay our welcome.
So we’ve designed our workshops and online courses to change the nature of your visual communications and reporting. We run 16 different on-site and virtual workshops, teaching teams around the world modern data visualization and storytelling techniques. All types of employees have gone through our training: CEOs, communication officers, analysts, HR representatives — you name it. The Datalabs Agency is geared to train you and your colleagues in introductory data visualization all the way through to expert design for PowerPoint and infographics reports.
Experience the breadth of workshops and courses our data agency offers.
Corporate & Government Training in Data Visualization
We’re not a boring IT consultancy. We’re creatives at our core, ones who can talk in everyday language about what excites us about data visualization. We’ve seen hundreds of projects, and we’ve seen the design and thinking mistakes that happened before we were on the job. That’s why we started teaching. That’s why we’ve designed our 16 data visualization workshops and online courses: To impart what we know, what we do, and how we do it to a whole new generation of professionals.
Interested in designing your own training program?
We run training workshops for the reporting formats that companies use today: reports, dashboards, and presentations. We dig deeper into our experience to show what data visualization should look and feel like in sales, marketing, HR, and finance. We can also break down industry data and train companies in the energy, insurance, banking, and healthcare industries. We’re skilled facilitators, offering training in all the major BI and data design software: Tableau, Power BI, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft PowerPoint, etc.
Interested in rewarding your work-from-home employees? Check out our Shop.