Phew, can you believe it’s April already! Maybe they’re right when they say time runs faster as you get older.
Even though the year has
Check out our list below, and don’t forget to comment if we’ve missed something great!
Chief Data & Analytics Officer (Sydney), April 3 – 4
Sydney, Australia
What they say: “The premier event for data & analytics executives. Revealing the latest data, analytics and AI innovations driving the smart enterprise. Key themes to be addressed include: bold leadership and culture, advancing artificial intelligence, leveraging data to steer customer behaviour for competitive advantage, smarter decision making, keeping pace, future proofing, and the smart enterprise, and data frameworks managed and governed.”
Conference for Visualization of Information, April 13
Weisbaden, Germany
What they say: “Besides focusing on data visualization, the see Conference places a strong emphasis on sustainable concepts. For this reason, our speakers open up new perspectives of effective communication in their presentations, focusing in particular on the impact of today’s actions on the society and environment of future generations. The best in their field – they are visionaries who understand, live and actively advance our mission of fostering sustainability.”
PAKDD 2019, April 14-17
Macau, China
What they say: “[We are] a leading international conference in the areas of knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD). It provides an international forum for researchers and industry practitioners to share their new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences from all KDD related areas, including data mining, data warehousing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, databases, statistics, knowledge engineering, visualization, decision-making systems and the emerging applications.”
Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit (Hong Kong), April 17 – 18
Hong Kong, China
What they say: “Drive business Effectiveness and prove ROI from big data analytics. With over 25 internationally renowned speakers and 150+ world-class delegates in attendance this summit boasts some of Big Data’s most influential individuals to educate you, inspire you and gives you unprecedented access to incredible networking opportunities.”
Pacific Vis, 2018, April 23 – 26
Bangkok, Thailand
What they say: “Visualization has become an increasingly important research area due to its wide range of applications in many disciplines […] PacificVis is a unified visualization symposium, welcoming all areas of visualization research such as: information visualization, scientific visualization, graph and network visualization, visual analytics, and specific applications such as (but not limited to) security-, software- and bio-visualization.”
Strata Data Conference (London), April 29 – May 2
London, UK
What they say: “[In 2019] expert speakers from around the world will share their compelling data case studies, proven best practices, effective new analytic approaches, and exceptional skills with an audience of data scientists, analysts, and executives. Strata is a unique opportunity to tap into the leading minds in technology and network with thousands of data scientists, engineers, analysts, and business managers. Join us at Strata and turn algorithms into advantage.”
Perth Data Science Week, May 6 – 10
Perth, Australia
What they say: “Data Science Week (DSW) has a ‘distributed’ organisational model, where organisations run and organise their own events but promote themselves via this website, the DSW logo and relevant hashtag (#DSW19) to create a week-long series of events that celebrate everything Data Science.”
CHI 2018, May 4-9
Glasgow, UK
What they say: “[CHI] is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction [and] is a place where researchers and practitioners gather from across the world to discuss the latest in interactive technology. We are a multicultural community from highly diverse backgrounds who together investigate new and creative ways for people to interact. [The 2019] theme will be ‘Weaving the Threads of CHI.”
Big Data Innovation Summit (San Francisco), May 9
San Francisco, USA
What they say: “Cultivate the data, yield the profit. We promise to celebrate our sixth year of production in style, bringing together an exciting agenda packed full of presentations, workshops, training sessions & panel discussions.”
DATAx (San Francisco), May 14 – 19
San Francisco, USA
What they say: “The intersect of data and design. With 25+ Industry Speakers & 150+ delegates, Data Visualization brings together the world’s leaders in the industry. Running concurrently with our Big Data Innovation Summit, networking opportunities are second to none.”
Eyeo Festival, June 3 – 6
Minnesota, USA
What they say: “[We’re] inspired by the notion that this decade presents an exceptionally exciting time to be interested in art, interaction, and information […] What data is, where it comes from, and how we utilize it, looks different than ever before. What can we do with it all? What can’t we do? Artists, designers and coders build and bend technology to see what’s possible. What’s next with interaction, what’s revealed by the data. Eyeo brings together the most intriguing and exciting people in these arenas today.”
EuroVis 2019, June 3 – 7
Porto, Portugal
What they say: “The objective of EuroVis is to foster greater exchange between visualization researchers and practitioners, and to draw more researchers and industry partners in Europe to enter this rapidly growing area of research. EuroVis has an expanded scope to include all areas of visualization, and a steadily more wide-spread visibility that achieves a more wide-spread impact.”
The International Conference on Computational Science, June 12 – 14
Algarve, Portugal
What they say: “Science at the intersection of data, modelling and computation. [This conference] brings together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, researchers from various application areas who are pioneering computational methods in sciences such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering, as well as in arts and humanitarian fields, to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, and to shape future directions for research.”
Big Data Analysis and Data Mining, July 25 – 26
London, UK
What they say: “[We cordially invites all participants across the globe] to explore our main theme of the conference, ‘Future Technologies for Knowledge Discoveries in Data’. [Our] conference [aims] to expand its coverage in the areas of Big Data and Data Mining where expert talks [and] young researcher’s presentations will be placed in every session of the meeting will [inspire you] and keep up your enthusiasm.”
Esri User Conference, July 8 – 132
San Diego, USA
What they say: “Applying the science of where. If you manage people who use GIS, the Esri UC is for you. Network and collaborate with peers in executive positions to learn best practices. Discover new, focused solutions that will help your organization unlock the full potential of data.”
EVA London, July 8 – 11
London, England
What they say: “[Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA) London] explores the development and application of visualisation technologies in art, music, dance, theatre and the sciences. [Our conference] attracts a diverse, international audience using or interested in new technologies within the arts and culture [and] brings together artists, designers, researchers and technologists from all over the world.”
16th International Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging, and Visualization, July 8 – 11
Adelaide, Australia
No available description and limited available information at time of writing (December 2017)
22nd International Conference Information Visualization, July 10 – 13
Salerno, Italy
No available description and limited available information at time of writing (March 2019)
Siggraph 2019, July 28 – August 1
Los Angeles, USA
What they say: “Recharge and reboot at SIGGRAPH 2019, as multifaceted as you are—featuring global innovators who are changing what’s possible in computer graphics, animation, VR, Gaming, and Emerging Technologies.”
KDD 2018, August 4 – 8
Alaska, USA
What they say: “The annual KDD conference is the premier interdisciplinary conference bringing together researchers and practitioners from data science, data mining, knowledge discovery, large-scale data analytics, and big data.”
Data Con LA, August 10 or 17
Los Angeles, USA
What they say: “Data Con LA is the largest, of its kind, data conference in Southern California. Spearheaded by Subash D’Souza and organized and supported by a community of volunteers, sponsors and speakers, Data Con LA features the most vibrant gathering of data and technology enthusiasts in Los Angeles.”
ONA19, September 13 – 15
Austin, USA
What they say: “Join us at ONA19 for inspiring conversations about the latest trends and best practices in digital media; interactive exhibits to explore new tools; opportunities to connect with influencers, peers and emerging talent; and much more!“
Click here for the official link
Big Data Analytics & Data Mining, September 18 – 19
San Francisco, USA
What they say: “The main theme of the conference is “Modern Technologies and Challenges in Big Data”. This conference aimed to expand its coverage in the areas of Big Data and Data Mining where expert talks, young researcher’s presentations will be placed in every session of the meeting will be inspired and keep up your enthusiasm.”
Strata Data Conference, September 23 – 14
New York City, USA
What they say: “Presented by O’Reilly and Cloudera, Strata Data Conference helps you put big data, cutting-edge data science, and new business fundamentals to work.”
Big Data Week, October 5
London, England
What they say: “A big data conference bringing the latest discoveries, providing actionable insights, and showcasing best practices that you can take away for direct implementation.”
IEEE VIS 2018, October 20 – 25
Vancouver, Canada
What they say: “[This conference] will include programs for students, academics, artists, industry and commercial practitioners, government researchers, and anyone with interests in visualization and data analytics. The conference trend has been to draw over 1,000 participants from dozens of countries to a week of research presentations, tutorials, workshops, panels, demonstrations, posters, and exhibitions.”
DATAx Leadership Summit, October 29 – 30
San Francisco, USA
What they say: “DATAx Leadership Summit is an immersive two day event that fuses together data science and ‘real world’ business scenarios, designed for Chief Data and Analytics Officers and data champions from across industries.The summit will provide an executive overview of the changing data landscape, give you the actionable insights, tools and insights you need to set the strategic direction of your business for the years ahead.High-level networking and learning from the most innovative organizations in the country who are building teams and technologies to successfully power their business with AI.”
CSCW 2019, November 9 – 13
Texas, USA
What they say: “[…] Bringing together top researchers and practitioners, CSCW explores the technical, social, material, and theoretical challenges of designing technology to support collaborative work and life activities. Join us as we explore how technologies can enable new ways of living and working together.”
Tableau Conference 2019, November 12 – 15
Las Vegas, USA
What they say: “Are you looking to build a community of analytics at your organization? Ready to unleash your inner data rockstar? Prepare to fill your brain with knowledge and your network with inspirational friends. Tableau Conference is the place for customers to unite, collaborate, and refresh the zest for insights. Love to get into the details? Come to explore personalized learning and networking options curated for your needs.
Gartner Data & Analytics Summit 2019, December 11 – 12
Philadelphia, USA
What they say: “Leverage data analytics to deliver patient-centric outcomes. With big data & analytics technologies re-shaping the pharmaceutical industry, a plethora of experts offer their knowledge within the space at this conference. Expect two days of inspiring, educational & informative presentations, panel sessions & networking opportunities.”