Infographics & Report Design Workshop

Learn the Fundamentals of Infographic Design

Raise the bar for your visual communication & reporting using infographics.

Infographics Training for Teams to Design Better Reports

Interactive, immersive, and hands-on — here’s a glimpse at what our Infographics Workshop covers…

Design Tools & Tips

Fifteen years of infographic design experience is condensed into an engaging review of software and design tips.

Chart Types

Infographics training for designing charts and graphs for reports.

Infographic Formats

See how infographic design informs dashboards, PDFs, interactives, and communications content.

Typography & Layouts

Get creative instruction on fonts and layouts for the best in infographic design.

Working With Data

Let’s look at ways to simplify and structure data used in infographics.

Finding The Story In Data

See examples of visual stories as told by the best infographics out there.

Infographic & Report Templates

Learn how to scale your team’s infographic design workflow using templates.

Resources & Ideas

An insider’s view of where to get high-quality infographic assets and ideas.
Data agency classroom training

The Best Training Workshops

See the type of team training we do.

Data agency image of a radar chart, street art

Intro to Data Viz & Storytelling Workshop

Learn the fundamentals and more.

Image of a data agency's process for visualization

Creative PowerPoint Workshop

Present data like an expert, tell stories like a pro.


Designing Great Dashboards Course

Learn a better way to design dashboards.

A data agency's brand guidelines for charts and graphs

Data Viz & Storytelling Course

Visualize data & stories at your own pace.

Data agency consultants image of a thinking brain

Interested in an Infographics Workshop?

Contact us about remote or on-site team training.

Use a new design style in your communications.

Our Infographics Training Workshop

The Datalabs Agency’s Infographics & Report Design Workshop introduces the audience to the basic principles of data visualization and its common forms, language, influences, and formats. It focuses on infographic design, data, charting, and tools that we use in our day-to-day agency work and have developed over 15 years of designing infographics for clients in Australia, Asia, the United States, Europe, and the Middle East.

Over 15 years of experience

Infographics Workshop Taught by Professionals

Infographics are one of the most popular forms of data visualization and are an increasingly used format for communication for government departments & businesses. Broadly, infographics cover a number of styles and formats — from reporting infographics to dashboards. Infographics are used everywhere now: in social media and direct marketing, on billboards, and in TV commercials. They’re even ubiquitous as the design style for corporate and government documents, both internal and external.



Transform how your team thinks and
communicates with this unique workshop.



Experience infographics through the eyes of professional data visualizers.

Tell Me More About the Infographics Training

The training consists of classroom-style learning, theory and hands-on exercises, that help the participants get in the headspace of an infographic designer, account manager, product manager, creative director or data visualiser. The interactive parts of the training included how to construct/deconstruct an infographic, how to prototype and plan an infographic, how to use data effectively in reporting, and how to tell a story – with or without data.

How long is the Infographics Workshop?

Four hours in total. We offer it in two two-hour sessions or as a continuous four-hour session.

Is there a limit to the number of attendees per workshop?

No. But for online or virtual training. we find between 5 and 20 attendees per workshop is optimal.

Does the Datalabs Agency Use Microsoft Teams or Zoom?

Yes, we use Teams and Zoom for delivering our Infographics Workshops.. On-site workshops are possible, too. Ask about them in the form below.

How much would an Infographics Workshop cost?

We can price our workshops by the number of attendees or on a per workshop basis, whichever is the least costly for you. Just ask us for an estimate.

Here's the problem...

Lots of Infographics, but Very Few are Designed Well

Infographic design has been made easier with tools like Canva and Piktochart, but these tools do not teach the underlying principles of good infographic design. The result is that thousands of poorly designed infographics are published every day. Poorly designed infographics don’t convey their message effectively and can even damage your brand or company’s reputation if they contain incorrect data or information.

About this training for infographic design...

Software is Secondary, Design Thinking is Crucial

This workshop is an introduction to the core principles of infographic design (visual hierarchy, colors & contrast, typography, etc.) as well as practical tips for designing effective graphics using popular software such as Adobe Illustrator. By the end of this workshop, you and your team will have a clear understanding of how infographics work as well as tips on where they’re most commonly used in business today.

So do you...

Want to Learn How to Design Infographics?

We know that everyone has different learning styles, which is why we offer this infographic training as either a live workshop (on-site at your organization) or online (Microsoft Teams or Zoom). Our instructors are all experienced professionals who have worked on award-winning projects around the world – so they know exactly what makes great design work (and what doesn’t). They’ll show you step by step how to make sure every infographic tells its story effectively – no matter where it’s published or viewed. So whether you’re looking for better ways of communicating data internally within your organization, or want more effective tools for sharing reports externally with customers or clients – our training will help give you everything you need!


See designs from our two of our infographic design workshops...

The Datalabs Agency launched it's first interactive data visualisation in 2011. Since then, we've kept in touch with many of our clients from all over the world. Here what some of them have to say about us.

The workbook consists of classroom-style instruction, theory, examples, and hands-on exercises. Order it along with our Infographics Workshop and you will have everything you need to design great infographics. This is not your typical infographic book; it’s packed full with practical knowledge that can be applied immediately to your own projects. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to infographic design or have been creating them for years – there is something here for every skill level. By the end of this book, you can start applying these techniques in your team’s next project, creating stunning visualizations on your own.

Image of three Microsoft Power BI workshops that accompany a Power BI training workshop
Customized Data Visualization Workshop - Image showing blank slides and visual data from our Infographics Workshop training course

An Infographics Workshop As Custom As You Are

Get tailored training for your organization's new style of reporting.

You want better report design. You need help distilling the information found in dense multi-page PDFs and Microsoft Word reports into effective infographics. You want your non-designers to step up and get creative.  That’s what we want, too. Inquire about how we can customize our Infographics Workshop to suit your company’s needs.

For example, we can use your organization’s brand guidelines in the infographic design workshop. Exercises in this workshop can use your data, the same data you want to be designed into infographics next month. So don’t hesitate to ask about what’s possible. After 10 years of professionally designing infographics, chances are we know how to help.

What Else Can Be Added On to the Infographics Workshop…

Roll-over the yellow circles below to see what else you can get with your data visualization workshop.
Data Visualization Workshop Materials Image

Book a session with us or take our online course today!

-49% Sale!
Get trained to visualize data and tell better stories.
Get expert advice on data visualization from our agency's Managing Director.
From: $150
-49% Sale!
Finally, a course that shows you what you need to know.

Who Teaches Our Infographic & Report Design Workshop?

Otto Ottinger

Managing Director
Otto Ottinger Data Visualization Bio Photo
Otto is the Datalabs Agency’s Managing Director. Having learned his data visualization skills whilst working at National Geographic, Otto now serves as the Senior Instructor and Strategist for large client engagements, holding workshops with such companies as Marriott Hotels, Al Jazeera, eBay, and the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Interested in a Workshop With Us?

We'll be glad to talk. Contact us via the form located below.

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