Social Media Analytics
Your customers, clients, and competitors are talking about you, about your industry, about your products.
Are you listening?
Are you engaging, tracking and measuring? How do you visualise the data that comes back? How do you take action?
Datalabs can help you:
From engagement, acquisition, brand awareness through to general social growth – this is what stratifies a data-driven analytics strategy in vital.
Datalabs can help you set up, test, execute and report on social data sources from any of your channels.
We can experiment, test content, test attribution modelling, set up scoring, reach, share of voice and influence metrics across the first and second tier social networks (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn through Tumblr, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, WordPress).
This will give you the intelligence and data to make informed decisions about your audience, customers, brand advocates and evangelist.
Datalabs blends data science and analytics with a healthy dash of design and creativity.
Social Analytics Uses
From analysis for mergers & acquisitions, competitor analysis, reporting on brand health and awareness, testing new product ideas and markets, expansion strategies, through to opening up new revenue streams with advertising and social pay per click and even to general customer service.
Social Media Analysis Data Tools
For every Facebook and Twitter, there’s a Hootsuite, Gnip, Bottlenose and a Datasift: companies and platforms that were built to see the insights in reams and reams of data.
Datalabs works with the best data and social media software. We know about the growing complexity and challenges that social media can cause marketing and communications teams.
And we love to solve those problems creatively.
Bring It Together With Beautiful Social Media Dashboards and Reports.
Data from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Google+ are all structured differently, but social media dashboard design has one thing in common with all these platforms’ data: an audience with a need to quickly and visually understand insights within that data.
Get Data. Use Data. Win The Social Race.
Let us do the data work, set up the experiments, present results, and show you where opportunity lies and how to get there quickly. We work with your data, agencies, web & digital developers and data team to collect, organise, and simplify social media data. Then we visualise the insights that come from this vast, continuously flowing dataset.
Social media analytics is a science. Dashboard design is an art. Bring an agency on board who knows this.
Get in touch with us directly by emailing
or by clicking the Contact Us link in the navigation.