Data Visualization for Modern Marketing Workshop

Skill up your marketing team in data visualization, dashboard, and infographic design.

Get your brand analytics visualized and presented better.

A Marketing Workshop: Storytelling with Data

Modern marketing teams need to be visual storytellers. They need to be experts in analytics. They need to be skilled in data visualization.

The Data Visualization for Modern Marketing Workshop will give your digital marketers the inside knowledge as to how to design marketing dashboards, how to aggregate insights into exciting, visual reports, and how to choose the most effective metrics to communicate in their presentations, and in their stories.

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The Datalabs Agency is a creative data design and visual analytics agency.

Data Visualization Experts, Specialists in Marketing

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Our data visualizers have designed marketing data tools, interactive experiences, and analytics dashboards for enterprise and government clients over the years. We’ve seen the types of data, the varied software tools and the expanding data sets that modern marketers are now tasked with. The techniques we’ve put into the Data Visualisation for Modern Marketing Workshop have been used in data designs for companies, such as BlackRock, Marriott Hotels, CommBank, SEEK, iSelect, Monash University, NAB, Accenture, ANZ, Adelaide Crows, City of Melbourne, and Maurice Blackburn.

In training your marketing team, Datalabs will look at your existing way of reporting. We’ll workshop better, more visual methods to communicate marketing success and show ways to visualize risk, alerts, and downward trending metrics effectively, saving your marketing executives time in understanding how your larger marketing system is performing.

What You’ll See and Do in the Workshop

See for yourselves how great marketing teams are visualizing their data. See what a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) dashboard should look like. Finally understand how data from SEO, email newsletters, AdWords, marketing automation software, and social media can be aggregated, simplified, and designed beautifully.

We’ll look at the complexity of marketing systems, the silos of data, and the constant inflows from social media and web analytics.

Rethinking Marketing Metrics

To take on these new challenges, modern marketing needs new thinking: visual thinking. Together, Datalabs’ data visualizers will help map with workshop attendees where your company’s marketing data is coming from, arrive at the important marketing metrics that drive your company, and with our data visualization methodology, workshop attendees will then design their own interfaces, infographic reports, and dashboards.

Report & Present Like a Modern Marketer

Where marketing data meets design and storytelling, the Data Visualisation for Modern Marketing Workshop aims to inspire marketers who want to improve their skills now. This workshop is geared for companies and government agencies, in groups of 8 people or more. Individual tutoring is available for executive-level employees only (C-Suite, Directors, and above). Availability is limited. The Workshop is designed to run for four hours.

Contact the Datalabs Agency about hosting this workshop for your marketing team today.

Advance your team’s marketing skills with a workshop.
Gain the expertise for visualizing marketing data for analysis and reporting.

Contact Datalabs today and inquire about or data visualization for marketing workshop for your staff!

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